A 96-year-old woman has cracked the literacy examination conducted by the Kerala government scoring 98 out of 100 marks.
Karthyayini Amma, who lives in Cheppad in Alappuzha district, was the oldest among 43,330 students who sat for the examination in August this year in a bid to be deemed ‘literate’. She is also the oldest ever to take and crack the literacy exam.
As per the results published on Wednesday, the nonagenarian scored 28 marks out of 30 in Mathematics, 30 out of 30 in reading test and 30 out of 30 in writing. The reading and writing tests were conducted in Malayalam. The examination, as part of ‘Aksharalaksham’ mission of the state government, is conducted to ensure numerical cent per cent literacy in Kerala.
Read more of this in a report by Vishnu Varma published in The Indian Express....
In the Hindustan Times of 2nd Nov, it says that this lady now plans to learn computers. On Thursday Kerala CM presented her the Class 4 pass certificate.