In a touching re-union, 93-year-old EK Narayanan Nambiar, who was jailed for participating in the 1946 violent farmers' struggle in Kerala's Kavumbayi village, met his first wife after 72 years, leaving them both speechless and teary-eyed.
As the two sat quietly and wiped away tears, Sarada, now 89, said she did not harbour any anger against anyone. "I am not angry with anyone," she told Narayanan.
"Then why are you quiet? Why are you not saying anything?" said Narayanan as Sarada sat quietly with bowed head. Sarada was 13 and Narayanan 17 when the two entered into wedlock.
Just ten months into their marriage, Narayanan and his father Thaliyan Raman Nambiar, who led the Kavumbayi agitation, went underground. They were caught two months later and jailed for taking part in the land struggle.
Read more of this in this touching story published in The New Indian Express...