Improving Attendance In Schools

ZERO-INVESTMENT INNOVATIONS FOR EDUCATION INITIATIVES (ZIIEI) is a mass-scale teacher outreach initiative started in 2015 by Sri Aurobindo Society as part of its nation-wide education transformation program Rupantar. 

ZIIEI believes that teachers are the pillars of this nation, and their contribution – if recognised and supported – can bring about a significant improvement in the quality and reach of education. Therefore, ZIIEI aims to find ‘the scattered, isolated and unrecognised, but effective solutions’ created by teachers at the grassroots and systematically scale them up to millions of schools.

On we have been regularly posting information on new innovations adopted by teachers. Videos are also posted.

See this video on how a teacher could get to improve the attendance in his school by applying a simple technique of recognition and appreciation. 

Also view an earlier post on this same subject. The link is 

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