Some time back there was news of Kerala and Tamilnadu starting a 'Water' Bell campaign to remind students in their classrooms to drink water. This was done to fight the dehydration problem after doctors pointed out that the number of urinary infection cases were on the rise among children.
This news was posted on the website on 22nd Nov. A must read. The link to this is http://bharatmahan.in/positive-news/school-kids-being-reminded-sip-water-class-water-bell
Now comes the news of Goa government where its Education Department has instructed all schools in the coastal state to facilitate two water breaks daily to ensure that students drink adequate amount of water. This rule will have to be followed by all government, government-aided and unaided primary, middle, secondary, higher secondary and special schools.
"It has been observed that students in the schools do not drink sufficient water which results in dehydration which in turn may have long lasting effects on their health. It is therefore suggested that in every school, there shall be water breaks of two minutes after the second period and sixth period indicated by ringing of a short bell," the circular said.
(With inputs from newspapers)