A Chhattisgarh police team trekked 12 km through jungles to carry an injured Maoist commander to a hospital in Dantewada on Sunday, a police officer said on Monday. Madkam Hidma, who carried a bounty of Rs 5 lakh on his head, is now undergoing treatment for gangrene. He developed gangrene after he was injured about a fortnight ago when he fell while laying an improvised explosive device (IED).
“It is heartening that police personnel even after knowing that he had fallen while laying the IED carried him on a cot and admitted him to the district hospital,” said Dantewada’s police superintendent Abhishek Pallava.
He said a team of 35 constables had been dispatched to bring the Maoist commander from a village in the jungle where he was being treated. The team carried Hidma for 12 km crossing rivers and rough terrain. There were no other Maoist in the village.
Read more of this in a report by Ritesh Mishra published in the Hindustan Times... (Link give below)