Minister of State for Labour and Emloyment, Santosh Kumar Gangwar, on Tuesday honoured Siddrameshwar Siddharam Humanabade, the food delivery boy who has acted as a saviour in helping the fire victims of the tragic fire accident at ESIC Hospital, Andheri, Mumbai on 17.12.2018. He saved the lives of 10 persons beyond the call of his duty.
The minister said, “It is also praiseworthy to mention that Siddrameshwar continued his selfless service for rescuing the victims until he started feeling uncomfortable due to inhaling of toxic gases due to the fire. In recognition of his courage, selfless nature and missionary zeal, I am pleased to reward Siddrameshwar a sum of Rs. 1,00,000/- .”
Praising the selfless service of Siddrameshwar the minister said that he, even though not an employee of ESIC, has set an example for the whole ESIC team working in hospitals and other units of ESIC and to the country as a whole in times of such crisis.