
केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने एक नई केंद्र प्रायोजित योजना को मंजूरी दी- पीएम श्री स्कूल

एनईपी 2020 के सभी घटकों को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए देश भर में 14500 से अधिक स्कूलों को पीएम श्री स्कूलों के रूप में विकसित किया जाएगा उन्नत अवसंरचना, अभिनव शिक्षाशास्त्र और प्रौद्योगिकी के साथ, पीएम श्री स्कूल अनुकरण के योग्य स्कूल होंगे पीएम श्री स्कूल 21वीं सदी के महत्वपूर्ण कौशल से युक्त समग्र और

DST Setting Up 75 Science Technology & Innovation Hubs Exclusively For SCs And STs

इस समाचरा को हिन्दी में पढ़े आगे... STI Hubs will directly benefit over 30,000 SC and ST population through various interventions Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & Technology; Minister of State (Independent Charge) Earth Sciences; MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions

Winners Of ‘Water Heroes: Share Your Stories’ Contest For July Announced

Six Winners To Get Cash Prize Of Rs. 10,000/- And A Certificate For Their Exceptional Efforts Towards Water Conservation In accordance with the vision and mission of Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, for making water conservation and sustainable development of water resources a ‘Jan Andolan’ or

Govt To Roll Out Programmes In India And Abroad For Popularizing Millets And Other Nutri-Cereals

Government plans to hold several programmes in the country and abroad for popularizing Millets and other nutri-cereals. Besides, all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India, along with the State Governments, will promote the nutri-cereals in coordination with the Department of Agriculture

Proactive Govt Interventions Help Startups Grow From 471 In 2016 To 72,993 In 2022

Startups spread across 56 diversified sectors ​​​​ More than 4500 startups recognized under emerging technologies such as IOT, Robotics, AI and Analytics etc Startups and the entire technology ecosystem are the engines of growth for any country. Recognizing this aspect, the Government has launched

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