
Ropeway projects from Govindghat to Hemkund Sahib Ji and from Sonprayag to Kedarnath approved

Govindghat to Hemkund Sahib Ji The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the construction of 12.4 km ropeway project from Govindghat to Hemkund Sahib Ji in Uttarakhand. The project will be developed on Design, Build, Finance, Operate

First Consignment Of Vegetables Exported To UAE from Uttarakhand

इस समाचार को हिन्दी में पढ़े आगे... In a major boost to agricultural produce exports from Uttarakhand, first consignment of vegetables including curry leaf, okra, pear and bitter gourd sourced from the farmers of Haridwar, was exported today to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The exports of vegetables

200 Ayush Health & Wellness Centres Approved For Almora District Of Uttarakhand

इस समाचार को हिन्दी में पढ़े आगे... Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission (NAM), the Ministry of AYUSH has approved 200 AYUSH Health & Wellness Centres (HWC) in Uttarakhand. In this regard, Arvind Lal Vandana Lal (ALVL) Foundation, New Delhi is providing support to the

उत्तराखंड में पवन हंस की पहली उड़ान-आरसीएस सेवा का शुभारम्भ

अभी तक परिचालन में आए 274 उड़ान रूट नागर विमानन राज्य मंत्री (स्वतंत्र प्रभार) हरदीप सिंह पुरी ने कहा कि प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी द्वारा अप्रैल, 2017 में शिमला से दिल्ली के लिए पहली उड़ान (यूडीएएन) सेवा को हरी झंडी दिखाने के बाद अभी तक 45 हवाई अड्डों और 3 हेलीपोर्ट्स को जोड़ने वाले 274 उड़ान

Project 'Bal Basera' For Welfare Of Children Of Construction Workers At AIIMS Rishikesh

With the support of CPWD, a Crèche (Bal Basera) at AIIMS Rishikesh, a project for the welfare of Children of Construction Workers deployed at the site will be inaugurated by Mrs Deepa Singh, President CPWD Officers’ Wives Association on 09.09.2019 at 11.00 AM. Bal Basera shall accommodate about 35

Rudraksh Trees To Be Planted In Catchment Area Of River Ganga In Uttarakhand

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between National Mission for Clean Ganga, HCL Foundation and INTACH for taking up a project of ‘Plantation of Rudraksh Trees in Uttarakhand’ as a part of CSR initiative under the ‘Namami Gange’ Programme. While the project aims at planting 10,000

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