Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare J P Nadda, informed that the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA), has crossed one crore mark in antenatal check-ups. In this programme on 9th of every month, symbolizing the 9 months of pregnancy, comprehensive and quality antenatal checkups of pregnant women is done across India.
Expressing satisfaction, the minister said that the programme has been successful in reaching out to the difficult and remote areas of India, since out of the 1 crore checkups across the country, more than 25 lakh check-ups were conducted in high priority districts identified by the Health Ministry for focussed attention. “While all States/ UTs have made significant efforts to reach out to pregnant women, Maharashtra has reported the largest number of check-ups among the Non-Empowered Action Group (EAG) States and Rajasthan has reported the largest number of check-ups among the Empowered Action Group States. All pregnant women visiting the PMSMA sites are examined by an obstetrician/ physician and appropriately investigated,” he elaborated.
It may be noted, that in the 31st July 2016 episode of Mann Ki Baat, Prime Minister Modi had urged private sector doctors to dedicate 12 days in a year to this programme and provide voluntary services under PMSMA on the 9th of every month. There are more than 12,800 government health facilities across States/ UTs where PMSMA sessions are conducted on the 9th of every month and pregnant women receive fixed-day assured, comprehensive and quality antenatal care in their second and third trimesters. More than 4,800 private sector doctors have pledged to provide voluntary service under PMSMA. More than 385 private sector volunteers have provided services in the high priority districts such as Bilaspur in Chhattisgarh. Several of these volunteers have provided free services at nearby government health facilities more than 10 times in the past months.