The Bharti family, led by Sunil Mittal, has pledged Rs 7,000 crore — 10% of their family wealth, which includes 3% of their stake in the country’s largest telecom firm Bharti Airtel — to the Bharti Foundation, their philanthropic arm. The foundation, which runs the Satya Bharti schools in northern
Govt has promulgated the Indian Forest (Amendment) Ordinance, 2017 to exempt bamboo grown in non-forest areas from definition of tree, thereby dispensing with the requirement of felling/transit permit for its economic use. Bamboo, though, taxonomically a grass, was legally defined as a tree under
Shri Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of State(I/C) Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has informed that since launch of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) (U) on 25 th June 2015, the Government has sanctioned a total of 30.76 lakhs houses across all verticals. Currently, 15.65 lakh houses have
A two day National Consultation of Swachh Iconic Places (SIP), an initiative of Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation under Swachh Bharat Mission began in New Delhi on Tuesday. Representatives from 20 Iconic Sites including central and State officials, representatives of iconic places and
Infosys co-founder and tech billionaire Nandan Nilekani and his wife Rohini Nilekani have joined 'The Giving Pledge', an elite network of the world's wealthiest individuals committing half their wealth to philanthropy. In the letter to 'The Giving Pledge' Nilekanis' write, "We thank Bill and Melinda
Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has upgraded the Government of India's local and foreign currency issuer ratings to Baa2 from Baa3 and changed the outlook on the rating to stable from positive. India’s rating has been upgraded after a period of 13 years. India’s sovereign credit rating was
Moving to step up air connectivity to remote and strategic locations in the North-East and Jammu & Kashmir, the government has identified 24 airports and helipads, including nine in Arunachal Pradesh which borders China, for the second phase of the Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS). Of the 24
In a major achievement, the synergetic efforts of Coal India Limited (CIL) and Railways with close monitoring by the Ministries of Coal, Railways and Power have resulted in unprecedented growth in coal off-take and improved despatch of coal for power sector in particular. Strengthening coal
Northeast is all set to get India’s first-ever "Air Dispensary" based in a helicopter and the Union Ministry of Development of Northeast (DONER) has already contributed Rs. 25 crore as part of the initial funding for this initiative. Disclosing this here yesterday after a meeting with the
It makes sense to go under the knife to get rid of migraine, a study conducted by doctors from AIIMS Delhi and Srinagar military hospital has concluded. Their claim is based on follow-up results of 30 patients who underwent surgery to treat the neurovascular disease that affects 20% of the global
The government’s ambitious project to connect 2.5 lakh gram panchayats with high-speed broadband Bharat Net, upon completion, could add Rs 4.5 lakh crore or roughly 3.3 per cent to India’s GDP, and trigger a “massive services revolution” in the rural areas, telecom secretary Aruna Sundararajan said
New tech is revolutionising agriculture. Farmers can now rely on AI models that predict the best time to sow, use drones to map crop-health and rent tractors on Uber-style apps In Andhra Pradesh's Devanakonda mandal in Kurnool district, farmers look to the sky for rain to nourish their groundnut and