100,000 $ Package For Delhi Electrician's Son

In the recent past we have been reading many stories of how the youth from weaker economic sections are excelling in their carrier - be it in getting jobs, be it in getting selected in the best professional institutes, be it in international sports competitions or elsewhere. And we must compliment the media to bring forth such talent in front of all. It is this motivation that has helped increased number of such achievers.

Today's TOI has given a story of one Mohammad Aamir Ali who has bagged an annual salary package of over 100,000 $ from an American firm. Aamir, is the son of Shamshad Ali, who is an electrician, at Jamia Millia Islamia in Delhi. 

The work of Aamir, in developing a technology to recharge electric vehicles at nearly nil cost, attracted the attention of Frisson Motor Works in North Carolia, USA.

Read more of this in the Times of India....

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Times of India

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