585 Mandis Integrated With e-NAM So Far

Bharat Mahan

585 wholesale regulated markets/ Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) Markets have been so far integrated with e-market (e-NAM) platform in 16 States and 2 Union Territories (UTs), who have carried out requisite reforms in their State Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee Act (APMC Act).

States desirous of linking their mandis with e-NAM are required to carry out 3 marketing reforms in their APMC Act i.e. Single point levy of mandi fee, Unified trade license valid across all mandis of State and Provision of e-auction.  After carrying out reforms, States are required to propose their wholesale regulated markets for integration with e-NAM platform based on state's priorities, which are then considered for integration. 

States / UTs, which either do not have marketing regulation or have one which is not in force, must identify Institution with legally enforceable guidelines, which will develop the appropriate physical infrastructure and put in place facilitatory provisions required for e-trading on e-NAM platform including registration of traders/farmers.           

Therefore, mandi integration with e-NAM platform is an ongoing process.  Government is pursuing with rest of States/Union Territories to propose their market integration after completing requisite provisions.

News Source
PIB Release

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