Courageous 90% Blind IAS Officer Works With Determination

Bharat Mahan

This is the story of Aman Gupta, a 2013 batch IAS officer who works with the assistance of a stand-mounted American video magnifier that helps the visually impaired read. He is 90% blind.

Gupta has juvenile macular degeneration, a medical condition that has no known cure. His vision is now so poor that he finds it difficult to distinguish people by their features. The broad smile on his face hides the pain he has felt since his vision began to degenerate. Gupta used to ride a bike when he was in Class 12. First, his eyes stopped seeing the cursor on the computer; then he couldn't see a cricket ball arcing through the air; and soon after he found it difficult to read the text on the classroom blackboard. In 2002, he learnt at AIIMS that he had developed juvenile macular degeneration which, over the years, has left him with just about 10% of normal sight.

Read more of this story of courage & determination in a report by Alok K N Mishra published in The Times of India....


News Source
Times of India

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