Effective Anti-Superstition Message In Jharkhand Villages

Bharat Mahan

This February, Lalkhatnga panchayat of Namkum Block in Ranchi declared that no woman would be declared a 'dayan' in their area. It was in one of these villages that Poonam Toppo's own grandmother was branded a witch and persecuted. For the 37-year-old activist who has devoted her life to fighting this age-old superstition, this was a big achievement.

Toppo's team of social workers is well-known for a play they took through many villages, called "Gudkayan Dahoto", which dealt with the issue of women being falsely branded as witches. The team spreads the message of anti-superstition among villagers through street plays and public meetings.

Read more of this in a report published in Times of India....

News Source
Times of India

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