Girls In Maharashtra Govt Schools To Get Subsidised Sanitary Pads

Bharat Mahan

The Maharashtra government has launched a scheme to make a pack of sanitary pads available to 7 lakh girls studying in government schools for a subsidised price of Rs 5.

The state cabinet, on Tuesday, approved a proposal to launch, Asmita (meaning dignity) — a scheme to make sanitary pads available to girls aged between 11 and 19.

It has engaged three small scale manufacturers, to supply the pads using a network of self- help groups (SHGs) run by women in the state. The pack of 8 pads, costing the government Rs 24 (240mm) and Rs 29 (280mm) including profits for the SHGs, will be subsidised to Rs 5 for the girls.

Read more of this in a report by Surendra P Gangan published in Hindustan Times....

News Source
Hindustan Times

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