Home Schooling or Swashikshan as an Alternative

Bharat Mahan

Yesterday we had posted a news on how Malvika Joshi, 17, got admission in the renowned MIT even without schooling. (The link to this is http://bharatmahan.in/positive-news/mumbai-girl-enters-mit-without-schooling-363).

In today's HT there is an interview of Malvika's mother, who had taken the bold decision of pulling Malvika out of school four year's back. Her mother, Supriya Joshi, is among the founder of Swashikshan (self teaching) movement. The link to this interview is given here.

In fact a lot has to be done by the government on this front as to make it easy for such students to appear for entrance exams. And if they succeed they should be given admission. Another such example is a school run by Sri Aurobindo Society in Puducherry where they have some 400 students - and surprisingly there are nearly 300 teachers for these 400 students. But then they are not affiliated to any Board. May be the government can include this in some fashion in the new education policy.

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