The Center for Rural Development and Technology (IIT Delhi) and Human Settlement and Management Institute , HUDCO organised a national workshop on Monday, on the issue of Rural Housing Knowledge Network. The main objective of the event was the test launch of the official portal of the Rural Housing Knowledge Network.
The key function of the Rural Housing Knowledge Network portal is to provide a platform for sharing and consolidating the available information on rural housing solutions and resources.
The problem of construction in rural areas and urban areas and the ways to overcome those hindrances were discussed at great length during the daylong session.
According to Joe Madith, a speaker, said the main reason behind the poor rural housing system is that people have a rigid mindset that poor people need poor solutions and we need to change that.
“There is a dire need to change the mindset of the people towards unconventional method of construction,” said Madith, who is in the construction business for past 25 years.