Positive News

Best-Ever Food Grain Production

We are likely to have foodgrain production of 271.98 million tonnes in the current year. This will be an all time record. The farmers will be a happy lot and the general consumer will be benefited with reduction in prices. It may be noted that in the last two years we had seen the prices of pulses

600 Cr for “Grid connected Rooftop & small Solar Power Plants Programme”

The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has been promoting “Grid Connected Rooftop and Small Solar Power Plants Programme” with a Central Financial Assistance (CFA) of up to 30% of benchmark cost in general category states and up to 70 % in special category states, North Eastern states

Jharkhand Govt To Provide Cheap Energy Efficient Fans & Tube Lights

(English news given below) एनर्जी एफिशियेंसी सर्विसेज लिमिटेड (ईईसीएल) तथा झारखंड बिजली वितरण निगम द्वारा अब राज्य के बिजली उपभोक्ताओं को सस्ती दरों पर सिलिंग फैन तथा ट्यूब लाइट उपलब्ध करायी जायेगी। इस योजना का शुभारंभ बुधवार को राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री रघुवर दास ने किया। इस सिलिंग फैन तथा ट्यूब लाइट के

Many Institutes Provide Med Facilities & Education In AYUSH System of Medicine

Nine national level institutions under AYUSH provide medical facilities and education in AYUSH system of medicine. Another two are likely to become operational soon. The existing National Institutes under the Ministry of AYUSH are as under:- I. National Institute of Ayurveda-Jaipur(Rajasthan) II

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