Doctors Help Rajathan Woman, Lost In Kerala, Unite With Husband

A woman from Rajasthan with bipolar disorder and lost in Kerala, with her 18-month-old son in her arms, returned home on Thursday after nearly two years when she was cared for in a mental hospital that tracked down her home village and contacted police there.

Rameela Devi (32) was seen wandering with her son in Thiruvananthapuram in the first week of January 2016. She was taken into police custody first, later a court ordered that she should be sent to a mental hospital. Her son was sent to an orphanage run by the state government’s district child welfare committee in Thiruvananthapuram.

According to a doctor at the hospital, she had forgotten her entire past after she left home with bipolar disorder. However, after she became rather normal, she started to respond to queries regarding her home.The attempt to trace her family started after she mentioned the place Bichhiwara.

Read more of this in a report by Shaju Philip published in The Indian Express...

News Source
The Indian Express

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