Drop-Out Teenager's Crypto-App Creating Waves

Bharat Mahan

Sixteen-year-old Saharanpur girl Harshita Arora's app that updates users about price fluctuations in more than 1,000 cryptocurrencies in 32 countries has become one of the most sought-after paid apps on Apple’s App Store. What’s more, she launched it just on January 28 this year.

Daughter of a local financier and a homemaker mother, Harshita, who dropped out of school at 14 as she was "not cut out for common courses", told TOI on Friday that she had her "fundamentals" very clear from the beginning. “I don’t underestimate school education in India but these common courses are not for me. My computer teacher introduced me to the wonderful world of technology. I have a different goal in life that the current education system may not provide. I am being home schooled. Computer technology must be given its due in school curriculum.”

Read more of this in a report by Sandeep Rai published in Times of India...

News Source
Times Of India

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