Heart Arrives Late, But Docs Beat The Odds

Bharat Mahan

Dealy in transportations of a heart from Madurai to Delhi almost killed the chances of Rajiv Trehan getting a transplant. However, in an extraordinary show of quick thinking and surgical precision, doctors at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital managed to perform the surgery by tweaking the procedure.

In a heart transplant, the norm is to perform five complete anastomoses — surgical connections between arteries and veins of the heart — before supplying blood to the heart. But because the doctors were running out of time because the heart arrived five hours and 10 minutes after retrieval from the cadaver donor, they performed two complete anastomoses and two partial ones before opening blood supply.

The doctors said they had to perform the surgery at super-speed because the heart arrived at the hospital after five hours of its retrieval when the gold standard is to finish heart transplant within six hours for better outcome.

Read more of this in a report published in The Times of India...

Must compliment the team of doctors who made this possible. - Editor

News Source
Times of India

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