'Work And Earn' Plan For Beggars In Lucknow

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The City of Nawabs could soon be free of beggars with the Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC) has decided to engage physically-fit mendicants as daily-wage workers, or finding work for them. The administration is serious enough about the plan to even consider legal remedies against physically capable beggars who refuse to work.

A month-long survey commissioned by Indramani Tripathi, municipal commissioner, Lucknow, has found around 4,500 beggars and, in the first-phase of the plan, 45 will be given work.

“Most are physically fit to work, but they don’t, as they are used to getting easy money,” said Tripathi .

In the next round, another 45 will be employed by an NGO.

“Some of the beggars who can read and write will be employed in other works like revenue collection,” said the LMC boss.

For more of this read the report by Anupam Srivastava published in Hindustan Times... (Link given below)

(Other states can surely replicate such a good scheme. - Editor)

News Source
Hindustan Times

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