In order to lead a financially secured life, reconditioning of mind and developing right attitude for money is of much significance. One may question the relevance of this subject in personal money management, a critical life skill. After much deliberation, I decided to share with you my various experiences in this area. In order to deal smartly with challenges in life, we often need to change our perceptions. The following real life case studies will enable the readers to have an insight into the finer points being exemplified.
In order to be effective, successful, monetarily organized, financially secure, rich and happy we need to recondition ourselves. The session below enable us to do the same.
Focus on what is important Right Now. Focus on what is Right Now
Sneh is a young advertising professional. In her job she adequately dealt with projects assigned to her. However she felt she could do better andwas not giving it all in her work. She realized, she is not happy at work even though she worked hard, arrived at work on time and put a full day work. She soon learned she has been passed over for promotion. She became angry. As her anger increased, the quality of her decreased. Sneh soon found herself faltering in life. Her life seemed to series of loose ends with unattained goals.
While interacting, she indicated to me her predicament. I asked her to come specifically on a certain date so that we can work out a solution for her.
Sneh readily accepted the idea and came on the appointed day. I explained to her - Most people face bad situations in their life. In such situations they usually focus on what is wrong and get further discouraged. Actually any situation is a mix of good and bad, right and wrong. For example in Sneh'sabove situation the good aspect is that she still has a job and that the Company has a good working environment.
When we focus and appreciate on what is Rightnow, we become more
confident, relaxed and prepared to face the situation. We become
happier and effective. We should then build on this feeling. We get energy
to attend to what is wrong. We finally overcome the present adversity.
Hence do not get distracted by bad situation, focus on what is important Right Now. When we are fully engaged in what we are doing, we enjoy life. The focus and concentration leads to success
Next week, when at work Sneh perused the notes she had made during our interactions. She sat down for finishing the project she had been putting off since long. She appreciated what was Right Now. She still has many opportunities to prove herself.
She fully focused on the project and could finish it in few hours. She felt a wave of achievement in her heart. She felt it was easy to forget the past enjoy the moments she has Right Now.
In the following weeks, she immersed herself in various projects. Earlier she used to daydream about her promotion. This time she was focused on present and built on it. Now when others spoke, she let go of what she was thinking about, and concentrated on what they were saying. Soon her colleagues noted the change in her aptitude. Her old distracted manner changed into genuine interest in their needs. Her resentment towards her boss began to fade.
Four months later she got her well deserved promotion.
Appreciate and Express Gratitude
When you appreciate and express gratitude for what you have, you put YOURSELF in a frame of mind - that is of joy and hope. While expressing gratitude you focus on what you have and not on what you do not have. This focus gives you the effectiveness to deal with adversities. Focusing on something right helps you multiply it and brings you more and more joy.
Hence it doesn't matter where you are in your life. There is a reason RIGHT NOW to express gratitude. So do it!
Learn, Unlearn and Relearn
Learn from the Past and Let Go. Do things differently today. Be more effective and successful today.
Feroz is working as a middle level marketing manager in a telecom company. His colleague, together with whom he is
handling corporate sales, have not been making any efforts, resulting in
tremendous drop in the team's performance. Rather than talking with his colleague or bringing this to the notice of his boss, he took additional
burden upon himself. Feroz's team missed the sales target and earned the disappointment of his boss.
What had gone wrong? Feroz was unable to find a solution. Uncertain, he confided in me and hoped for a guideline.
I explained him that he has reacted to his colleague's lack of support by
shouldering the burden. Thus, instead of addressing the problem he chose to avoid it. Feroz has the habit of avoiding any confrontation. This is the
reason he is having trouble with managing and leading.
This analysis could be true for anyone in financial as well as personal
aspects of life.
I advised him to analyze his past experience. Learn something valuable from it. If the same situation arises do things differently. Become effective and more successful today.
Over the next few days Feroz prepared himself for dealing with his colleague. When his colleague again failed to make efforts, Feroz talked genuinely and communicated his concerns. At first the colleague resented, but by the time they finished their deliberations, the colleague understood the issue. They worked as a team and could meet their target. Feroz was happy that learning from his past, he acted differently and was more effective.
CA Rishi Khator

Rishi Khator (FCA, CPA, CIFRS) is Chartered Accountant based in Kolkata. He is author of the book on Personal Finance – Right Now : How to be Financially Strong plus Happy All Along. He believes Financial Literacy is a critical like skill. He has been propagating it through workshops, events and his writings. He has reached out to working adults, college students, school children and homemakers for creating awareness in Financial Literacy.
He is also founder and partner of Chunder Khator & Associates, Chartered Accountants. The firm presently has operations in Kolkata, Mumbai, Singapore and Bangkok.