A Khadi Training Camp has been set up for inmates of the Aadharshila Observation Home, Kingsway Camp, New Delhi. The Training Centre was inaugurated by Supreme Court Judge, Justice Madan B. Lokur on Wednesday. The Khadi Training Centre has been established by National Commission for Protection of
On the occasion of National Ayurveda Day, the Ministry of AYUSH is organizing a one day National Seminar on ‘’Prevention and Control of Diabetes through Ayurveda’’ on 28th October 2016 at New Delhi. The Minister of State (IC) PMO, DoNER, DOPT, Dr. Jitender Singh will inaugurate the seminar and
From ages in India people have been doing philanthropy. Innumerable educational institutions, places of stay (dharamshalas), medical aid centres etc. have been made by contributions from the society. Even today, there are so many voluntary organisations engaged in such activities to help the needy
The Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri Radha Mohan Singh said that the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) set up throughout the country play very important role to enhance the income of the farmers and promote agriculture. The Minister appealed KVKs and state level agriculture officials
The Government has issued Notification on 21st October, 2016 amending rule 23 of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961 enabling service voters, including armed forces personnel, to cast their vote in elections through e-postal ballot. Under this system a blank postal ballot paper would be transmitted
Shri Prakash Javadekar, Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Government of India, released an Ekal song on 21st October 2016 in New Delhi, in the presence of Shri Shyamji and Shri Bagraji. A number of Ekal volunteers and guests were also present. This is a song specially made for Ekal by
(Read this news in English also - scroll down) एकल ग्रामोत्थान योजना को मिला डिजिटल ट्रेलब्लेजर्स अवार्ड एकल अभियान की सहयोगी संस्थान ग्रामोत्थान योजना को एच.पी., के.पी.एम.जी. एवं इण्डिया टुडे ग्रुप द्वारा डिजिटल ट्रेलब्लेजर्स अवार्डस् से पुरस्कृत किया गया। दिनांक २१ अक्टुबर को राँची रेडिसन ब्लू
Now a days so many patients have to use stents and orthopaedic implants that the Health Ministry too can not ignore the issue of its availability. Sometime back there was news of the prices being monitored and reduced (read http://bharatmahan.in/positive-news/stents-used-heart-surgery-cost-half-215)
To make the laboratories in IITS at par with the best in the world it has been recommended to make 5 labs each in 7 IITs to come to this level. Under the 'Project Vishwajeet' which seeks to make the IITs world class institutes this recommendation to modernise the labs has been made. The 7 IITs are
The Central Government has announced opening of at least one Krishi Vigyan Kendra in all districts of the country. This will provide advanced Agriculture technical assistance to the farmers near their farms itself. Besides this, Central Agriculture and farmers welfare minister Shri. Radha Mohan
A MoU has been signed between the National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), an autonomous institute under Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), an autonomous institute under the Ministry of AYUSH. The main
Seeking to address the problem of anaemia in India, scientists of department of biotechnology (DBT) have developed an innovative way to fortify rice with iron which can be mixed with normal rice and consumed without compromising on its flavour. The fortified rice, manufactured using broken rice