
Training Prog For Elected Women representatives Of Panchayats

पंचायतों की निर्वाचित महिला प्रतिनिधियों के लिए राष्ट्र-व्यापी प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम लांच किया गया (English news given below) महिला और बाल विकास मंत्रालय ने आज पंचायती राज मंत्रालय के सहयोग से पंचायतों की महिला निर्वाचित प्रतिनिधियों की क्षमता सृजन के लिए व्यापक मॉड्यूल और पूरे देश में महिला पंचायत

3 Heritage Books on the Occasion of Centenary Celebrations of Champaran Satyagraha Released

Minister for Information & Broadcasting, Shri M Venkaiah Naidu, has said that Mahatma Gandhiprovided valuable lessons of Humanity, Compassion and Determination to the “Young Minds”. It gave the Generation Next an opportunity to understand the essence of his philosophy “My Life is My Message”. The

“Bharat ke Veer” Web Portal to Enable people to contribute towards family of martyrs

The Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh inaugurated the web portal and mobile application named “Bharat ke Veer” on the occasion of Valour Day of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) here today. The portal is an IT based platform, with an objective to enable willing donors to contribute towards

Environment Minister emphasises Sustainable Lifestyle and Pre-2020 Actions on Climate Change

Minister of State (Independent Charge) of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Mr. Anil Madhav Dave, has underlined the need for completing Pre-2020 actions and adoption of a holistic approach towards climate change, including an emphasis on sustainable consumption and lifestyles. During a

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